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Qoddi student program

Qoddi student program

Note: Qoddi's student program is currently not accepting more applications for 2023 as we already distributed all the credits available for the current year. Please check again next year. Students worldwide are using Qoddi to build research or studies projects, and we love to see more and more each day

Building a fault-tolerant content API using Strapi and Qoddi

Building a fault-tolerant content API using Strapi and Qoddi

The second part of this tutorial, about the first use of Strapi, is a copy of the official Strapi Getting Started guide, available here.Deploy your code in seconds, with no infrastructure to manage. Qoddi App Platform is free for developers! Create an account today.Strapi is a very popular

Getting Started
FlashDrive and Chia cryptocurrency

FlashDrive and Chia cryptocurrency

Chia cryptocurrency is based on Proof Of Space, and distribute tokens according to a mechanism called plotting. In the last weeks, we've seen a lot of new accounts trying to launch and operate Chia miners from FlashDrive's infrastructure. Most of those accounts where created with fake/stolen credit cards for

Integrate Qoddi inside your multi-cloud strategy

Integrate Qoddi inside your multi-cloud strategy

Deploy your code in seconds, with no infrastructure to manage. Qoddi App Platform is free for developers! Create an account today. Your company, your infrastructure, and probably your whole business rely more and more on cloud services to provide services to your clients and your cloud infrastructure is probably a

Faster image building thanks to Uber's Makisu

Faster image building thanks to Uber's Makisu

With the exponential growth of FlashDrive, numbers of images built in the last weeks increased at the same time and we needed to find a better solution than regular docker building to reduce building and deployment time. Uber successfully migrated to Docker in 2017 and build hundreds of images a

Qoddi Startups Program

Qoddi Startups Program

We give entrepreneurs from around the world the opportunity to build their projects with Qoddi, and we're grateful to be able to give back to the startup community all the help we received when we launched Qoddi not so long ago. Qoddi's Startups Program is a free program designed for

Qoddi's mission

Qoddi's mission

This is everything you need to know about Qoddi, and how it can help you reduce your infrastructure costs while improving your applications' responsiveness and overall quality. Qoddi is an App Platform service (PaaS) constituted in a network of high availability clusters located in North America and Europe. To completely
